Monday, 29 June 2015


Welcome to ":successmeans platform", today, we will list the tools required for you to succeed in online business. First, let me thank you for giving out your time to read all these lectures. I'm highly in love with your moral. Do not be deceived by thinking that, to succeed in online business you don't have to get knowledge about how it works. Your highest success depends on your level of understanding the flow of things in making money online. Here are the tools you need to succeed online:
1. Domain and web hosting (Free or Paid).
2.Website design (blog and mini-site)
3. Copyrighting and content creation.
4.Search Engine Optimization(SEO),
5.Marketing and advertising.
Most importantly, building lists of prospects who are ready to engage on your products.
6.BUILDING LIST(Very Lucrative) Any way, i"ll be leaving you here to avoid diminishing returns. If you know how to pound, better pound it in the mortar but, if you are a novice in pounding, please pound on the ground. You have to be aware not to pound on your legs.
My name still remain Kingsley Ifeanyi.
Your servant tutor.
Feel free to mail me or call my number;,08169702377.
Please, tell me the areas you want me to concentrate on. very crucial!

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