Tuesday, 28 July 2015


FEAR OF CRITICISM; Why Cloth Makers Capitalized On It?.

H! class members, are you in the school or still away from the class room or still afraid to embrace change as your only constant solution to ward-off unnecessary fear of nothing.

Jump-off any thing that is a part of this fear and hindrance from attending this class. Let me tell you; i only devote my time here for you and no other person than you my precious fans. You know!, I'm just not like the cloth maker, who not only create this fear for you but, also capitalized on it for his UN-ending welfare.

Just how and where man get this fear is difficult to determine, but most certainly man has this particular fear. But, would man be bald-headed because of this fear? Remember, bald-headed comes from tightly-fitted head caps, which cut-off the air circulation from the root hairs. Women seldom are bald because they wear lose-tight hats.

But, if not only for this fear of CRITICISM, would man be able to lay aside his hat and keep his hair? No wander, the cloth makers capitalized on this, knowing the fact that only few people have the courage to wear an out-dated cloth when the season is for the current fashion on-bored.

If you doubt this, kindly wear a 1970 trousers to the street on a new year eve and observe how uncomfortable you will be. May be at last, you should be thanking your unseen enemy, the FEAR OF CRITICISM.
Kingsley Ifeanyi.
Email: kingsleyanyi@gmail.com.

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