Saturday, 21 November 2015


'HABIT OF SAVING' How Can I Form It?
Very obvious to many that saving of money is one of the essentials for success, but the uppermost question in the minds of majority of the people who find it difficult to save is: "how can i do it"
But, don't forget that, the saving of money is solely a matter of HABIT. yes! habit which we many a times dwell on the negative side of it. And remember, through repetition any action indulged in, becomes a habit when done severally, and the mind seems to be nothing than a mass of motivating forces growing out of our daily habit. So, motivation is like eating food every day. no food no life then, no update no motivation.
Place in your mind that, your ability is limited to a given earning capacity and behold, you will never earn more than that, because the law of habit which you stopped feeding with updates will set up a definite limitation of the amount you fixed yourself that you can earn, and guess what happens next, your subconscious mind will accept this limitation, and if care is not taken very soon, you will feel yourself "slipping" and will finally become so hedged with FEAR OF POVERTY which is one of the most thing people fear; and eventually, this will cause opportunity to no longer knock at your door; your doom sealed and fate fixed.

Then, how can we prevent this 'LACK OF SAVINGS'
will you be able to tell me the fatal enemy of the law of habit; i guess you should have known that by now, but anyway, as we all might claim to know, it is DEBT.
Debt is a merciless master, a fatal enemy of the savings habit. though poverty alone can easily kill ambitions, destroy self confidence but added with debt and all who fall victim of these two destructive masters will have hard time surviving. No man perform on his efficiency or expresses himself with heavy debt hipped on his head. Just as a slave bound by ignorance or heavy chain so is a man heavy in debt.
How much one can save depends on some conditions, some of which may be within the person's control or beyond his control. but no matter what, one have to save.
on a general terms, a man who works for a salary should apportion his income about as follows:
Savings account: --------------------------20%
Living____clothes, food and shelter---------50%
Life insurance------------------------------10%
= 100%
For any kobo save some part for safe travel on the road which will finally lead to honorable achievement. For he who saves, prepares for opportunity. I'm not a preacher neither am i a reformer because, there are other who are well known on this field of my explanation. But, this is a course of philosophy whose purpose is to mark a safe road over one may travel to honorable achievement.
Kingsley Ifeanyi is my name.
catch you up on;
BYE for now!!


Helo friends!
Scores of reasons abound in which you should perform more than you are paid for. Basically, there are two main reasons to that viz:
1. benefiting by comparison;
You should not forget that, by establishing a reputation as being a person who renders more services than paid for and better services though, you will benefit by comparison with those around you who do not render such services, and most amazing thing is that, the contrast will be so noticeable that many who do not render likewise will glamor in competition towards actually doing exactly what you are doing. This is applicable to all works of life.

2. Out Of Resistance Comes Strength.
This is a reason that is basic and fundamental in nature, i.e a natural law for all whether unbelievers or not;
Suppose you want to develop a strong and reliable arm, and you went ahead to tie your arm towards your body with a rope to give it a permanent rest taking it out of use. In this situation now, will disuse bring strength? if i may ask you. No!! vividly not going to happen like that. Or wouldn't it bring weakness and atrophy? which will eventually have the hand removed entirely.
so, if you wish a strong arm, you should develop that by giving it the hardest sort of use with time.
Let me suggest this to you, just make a trip to a blacksmith's house and gladly take a look at his hand if your wish is to know how arm are made strong. "Out of resistance comes strength".
Is it not by standing openly amidst the storms and heavy winds and rains that made the Iroko tree a strong tree? that, is how the iroko came to stand amidst every other trees by developing resistance and struggling among thunders and lightning. So, the purpose of this lecture is to show you my humble friend, how to harness this little principle of mine, in order to aid you in the struggle for success. Remember, by performing more than you are paid for, you exercise your service-rendering ability, and thereby develop skills and an extra-ordinary ability and true reputation that is valuable.
Dear lovely friend! if you form the habit of doing more than paid for today, you will become so adept in your work that you can command greater remuneration than those who do not render such services. You will develop sufficient strength which will enable you remove yourself from any undesirable station in life, just like we do here, and most importantly,. no one will or can desire to stop you. Because, more beneficial is it to them that your boss can't even live a day without you. And, you, yourself, can't even pass a day without doing that which add life and succor to other people's life. Please, my lovely friend; don't forget to catch we up on THANKS!!!!
Kingsley Ifeanyi.


Good day my humble friends!
I hope all is moving well with you? 
Character they said, is the mile-stone through which all who have it will turn the base-metal of their life into pure gold. Do you believe that? yes! even if you don't, without character you have nothing; you are nothing, and you can be nothing, except a pile of bone and flesh only worth nothing.
I'm not trying to be abusive here because, this issue of character is what you can not beg or steal, not even trying to be like someone else yes! you can only build it. And only can you build it by your own THOUGHTS AND DEEDS and not in any other means at all.
Those days in the university, some times when i react to certain situation of ill-conceived attitude of the students and the lecturers, it's funny enough that, some of us sees me as an obstacle and latter at the back wished they have the same attitude. But sorry, you can't beg or steal character.
Most especially when you are ridden with sycophancy that you find it difficult to identify your best character, then, you only end-up pacifying others character because may be, you lack motive.
Yet, hope is not lost for you. It is my wish to emphasize here that, all who have CHARACTER also have ENTHUSIASM and truly, personality sufficient enough to draw people of likewise character closer to them.

Monday, 5 October 2015

CLOTHS AND SUCCESS. (The Psychology Of Cloths);

Let me ask you, what is normally your purpose of putting-on a particular type of cloth? Is it for the impression they make on other people or the ones they have on you?
Well, there are chances that you are some how confused on your motive of wearing a particular cloth or, you've already jumped up with an answer without wasting much time because you believed yourself and you are proud about the way you do dress.
Anyway, let it not be so sudden that you will forget easily the influence of well dressed ladies and gentlemen out there towards people they have contact with. For i personally feel no need of thirty-one suits of clothes, but if my personality demanded a wade-robe of this size i would manage to get it, no matter how much it might cost me.
Truly dear, this is for men and women who are two above the "mediocre" class. Yes! the man who is satisfied with mediocrity(not being too good in what you claimed you know) needs but few cloths. Though, it may be true, as a well known poet put it "cloth do not make the man" but, the fact is that you can' deny that good clothes go a very long way in giving you a FAVORABLE START.
For a man's Bank is ready to loan him money, when he does not need it----because, he is successful, but, kindly go to obtain money in your bank with a worn-out cloths, sorry; 'i beg the gate will be your first lead'.
Kingsley Iheanyi.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015


"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come and there is nothing more vulnerable than some one who is still thinking old ideas".
As you can see, money is just an idea. Think about it this way, when some times you look on the mirror, what do you whisper to yourself? Do you often times berate yourself with comments like "i'm getting old or too young to do this" Or do you stand tall like the likes of Ford, Dangote of Nigeria, Opra winfrey and say "i look great" You should not forget that, a mirror reflects much more and better than what your eyes can see.
      So, the concept of mirror is a real image of whom you are at that particular moment in your life. A mirror reflects your inner-most thoughts and your beliefs----most especially, your soul is in accordance with what you think you are. Mostly, you gat to form the habbit of listening to the thoughts that comes directly from your soul. Are they thoughts of negativity? Remember, you will hardly embark on the road to riches if you let such thoughts constrain you in life.
Most importantly, What you think in your heart is a reflection of what you looks like. A thought of negativity is a true reflection of negative out-look if you come out publicly with such a negative concept, there is the tendency that, your physical appearance will reflect the image of deception.
Thanks and remain focused.
Kingsley Iheanyi.


Hi! lovely friends. It's quite a long time we met last. How is every body? and i strongly believe we all are looking good in our various capacities. Thanks to the creator of the Universe. I'm back again after a long time of break. Today's topic is very important in our lives. For every individual is a victim of this.
Let me ask you, what do you think is much of what separate rich people from poor people? Hmmmmm!!, i know you should be thinking deeply, about what it could be. Anyway, its' very simple and vivid but we find it difficult to avoid every day in our lives. Rich people always think, act and make choice differently than the rest of us. This simply means that, we should stop COMPLAINING and make things out-happening every day in our lives.
Author and self-made millionaire T. Harv Eker in his book "secrets of the millionaire mind" identifies a seemingly harmless daily habit average people engage in that the rich refuse to: complaining. "Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth," Eker writes. When you complain, you're focusing on what is wrong with your life — and what you focus on tends to expand,
"Like attracts like," the self-made millionaire writes. "When you are complaining, you are actually attracting 'crap' into your life."
This leaves very little room for growth, particularly financial growth.
And don't forget that, friends makes or mar your financial success. So, if you want to be successful out there financialy and in other aspects of life, STOP COMPLAINING and get out there with the right set of people and simply join what i called the successful crowd. Thanks and remain blessed.
And remember, "do something good every day, doing it right like you've never done it before".

Sunday, 16 August 2015


Though, the Egyptians thought they were the only people making use of shadow clock to tell time, latter after time was a little bit different those days. But, unaware That same time ,the Chinese, the Babylonians, Greeks and the Romans were using various instruments to tell time.
Happy Sunday my people, You see, time waits for nobody. As the Egyptians were busy wasting their time thinking they are the first to invent time, the rest like Chinese, Babylonians are busy telling good tales of time. Even the always neglected Africans has their way of telling accurate time. Yes!, i could remember my childhood days in the late 8os, when my grandmother still tell time with the cock's crow. Time truly is of origin!!!
But, my question to you group member is, do procrastination robs you off opportunity? you should have in mind that no great leader was ever known to procrastinate. ( I don't mean the so-called political leaders alone, i mean in every facets of life. ) And tick, tick, tick the clock ticks off the distance and the time is running a powerful race with you.
But if ambition drives you into action, never allowing you to falter or turn back once you have made a decision, you are lucky enough to have kept that your time correct subconsciously. But, if you do it knowingly, which means you are aware of the time like the Chinese, Babylonians and the Africans who knowing the time, never wasted their time in any form.
Let me ask you, do you think you are among the time conscious people? Anyway, you know the best part of your body to rest with on your bed. But, while resting and slumbering please wake up on time and realize that, TIME is a master worker which heals the wound of failure and disappointment and rights all wrongs and turns all mistakes into capital, MINE IS A TYPICAL EXAMPLE, but. the problem here is that, you have to be a soldier to kill off procrastination because, it only favors those who kill off procrastination and remain in action when decisions are to made.
Thanks and remain blessed. Remember; Time Is Of Essence, Time Is Money.
Kingsley Iheanyi.

Thursday, 6 August 2015


This is not what i know you for, why this sudden change?
Is is not by my own opinion to make you realize that the issue of success and money-making is not inclusive in our poorly-structured-university curriculum. The rich, knowing the secrete to riches structured the school system in such a way to make it a hidden treasure for the 90% poor people on earth.
What the 10% rich people on earth know, the 90% poor is far from knowing it. Even when given the opportunity. Based on this refusal to change by the 90% poor then, the rich structured the school system in such a way that the poor are trained to only work for the rich and finally die-out with little or no money as pension which the fearful poor called job-security.
Well, for your information. I studied computer science and was only introduced in the world of computing only by what i called a scratch of computing as I'm about to finalize my course.
You see! mediocrity is the rule of the day in our school system. Thanks to God. Mediocrity not only propelled me but, gave me the zeal to move-off to acquire the real computing as an agent of change.
Nothing endures but change. I created this group with cash(money) inscription on it, making it known to every member that it is a means of foundational move towards making money work for you. Yes!, not a get-rich-die-today group.
(believe you me, the only thing towards becoming successful is change. Change towards creating values that endures which guarantees no immediate reward but a life long merit that endures for generation) Value to individuals pays dear friend!!
This change has been since the beginning of time. Each and every one of us changes as we age. Then, one may ask;
Why do we change?
We change because, change is the only basic survival mechanism. It may be viewed as caused by internal or external factors. Even the inexperienced and the youths are in love with change. But, funny enough, as we get older we are afraid of change even to the detriment of our own self.
But, you should not forget that, adopting and promoting change in our lives as well as other people's lives is a progressive and entrepreneurial trait.
Bear this in mind my good friend. You will never enjoy the sweetness of success by doing what every body else does. (THIS KIND OF EFFORTLESS SUCCESS IS CALLED WINNING THE LOTTERY)
kingsley ifeanyi

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


FEAR OF CRITICISM; Why Cloth Makers Capitalized On It?.

H! class members, are you in the school or still away from the class room or still afraid to embrace change as your only constant solution to ward-off unnecessary fear of nothing.

Jump-off any thing that is a part of this fear and hindrance from attending this class. Let me tell you; i only devote my time here for you and no other person than you my precious fans. You know!, I'm just not like the cloth maker, who not only create this fear for you but, also capitalized on it for his UN-ending welfare.

Just how and where man get this fear is difficult to determine, but most certainly man has this particular fear. But, would man be bald-headed because of this fear? Remember, bald-headed comes from tightly-fitted head caps, which cut-off the air circulation from the root hairs. Women seldom are bald because they wear lose-tight hats.

But, if not only for this fear of CRITICISM, would man be able to lay aside his hat and keep his hair? No wander, the cloth makers capitalized on this, knowing the fact that only few people have the courage to wear an out-dated cloth when the season is for the current fashion on-bored.

If you doubt this, kindly wear a 1970 trousers to the street on a new year eve and observe how uncomfortable you will be. May be at last, you should be thanking your unseen enemy, the FEAR OF CRITICISM.
Kingsley Ifeanyi.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

ACCURATE THOUGHT, Access To Success!.

There are two fundamentals in accurate thinking; First; you must separate facts from mere information if you must think accurately. Remember, Much information are available to you which are not based on facts.
Second; Make sure you separate facts into classes viz:

i. Important.}relevant.
ii. Unimportant}irrelevant.
By so doing only can you think clearly.

Important facts; all facts which you can use in attainment of your definite chief aim'.
Unimportant facts; All that you can't use to attain your 'definite chief aim' are unimportant and irrelevant.

Then that takes us to;

1. Accurate thinkers adopt a particular standard by which to guide himself, following that standard all times whether it works always to his immediate advantage, or carries him, now and then, towards the field of disadvantages(as it undoubtedly will carry you).

2. The accurate thinkers deals with facts, not minding how it affects his own interests, for he is sure that this policy ultimately will bring him out on top in the overall possession of his 'definite chief aim' in life.

3. He the accurate thinker, understands the sound meaning of the philosophy that our old philosopher, Croesus mean, when he said:

" There is a wheel in which the affairs of men revolve, and its mechanism is such that, it prevents any man from being always fortunate".

You must not forget that, it requires the staunchest and most unshakable character to become really an accurate thinker, for this is basically where the reasoning of this my little lecture is leading. Thanks.
or on;