'HABIT OF SAVING' How Can I Form It?
Very obvious to many that saving of money is one of the essentials for success, but the uppermost question in the minds of majority of the people who find it difficult to save is: "how can i do it"
But, don't forget that, the saving of money is solely a matter of HABIT. yes! habit which we many a times dwell on the negative side of it. And remember, through repetition any action indulged in, becomes a habit when done severally, and the mind seems to be nothing than a mass of motivating forces growing out of our daily habit. So, motivation is like eating food every day. no food no life then, no update no motivation.
Place in your mind that, your ability is limited to a given earning capacity and behold, you will never earn more than that, because the law of habit which you stopped feeding with updates will set up a definite limitation of the amount you fixed yourself that you can earn, and guess what happens next, your subconscious mind will accept this limitation, and if care is not taken very soon, you will feel yourself "slipping" and will finally become so hedged with FEAR OF POVERTY which is one of the most thing people fear; and eventually, this will cause opportunity to no longer knock at your door; your doom sealed and fate fixed.
Very obvious to many that saving of money is one of the essentials for success, but the uppermost question in the minds of majority of the people who find it difficult to save is: "how can i do it"
But, don't forget that, the saving of money is solely a matter of HABIT. yes! habit which we many a times dwell on the negative side of it. And remember, through repetition any action indulged in, becomes a habit when done severally, and the mind seems to be nothing than a mass of motivating forces growing out of our daily habit. So, motivation is like eating food every day. no food no life then, no update no motivation.
Place in your mind that, your ability is limited to a given earning capacity and behold, you will never earn more than that, because the law of habit which you stopped feeding with updates will set up a definite limitation of the amount you fixed yourself that you can earn, and guess what happens next, your subconscious mind will accept this limitation, and if care is not taken very soon, you will feel yourself "slipping" and will finally become so hedged with FEAR OF POVERTY which is one of the most thing people fear; and eventually, this will cause opportunity to no longer knock at your door; your doom sealed and fate fixed.
Then, how can we prevent this 'LACK OF SAVINGS'
will you be able to tell me the fatal enemy of the law of habit; i guess you should have known that by now, but anyway, as we all might claim to know, it is DEBT.
Debt is a merciless master, a fatal enemy of the savings habit. though poverty alone can easily kill ambitions, destroy self confidence but added with debt and all who fall victim of these two destructive masters will have hard time surviving. No man perform on his efficiency or expresses himself with heavy debt hipped on his head. Just as a slave bound by ignorance or heavy chain so is a man heavy in debt.
How much one can save depends on some conditions, some of which may be within the person's control or beyond his control. but no matter what, one have to save.
on a general terms, a man who works for a salary should apportion his income about as follows:
Savings account: --------------------------20%
Living____clothes, food and shelter---------50%
Life insurance------------------------------10%
= 100%
For any kobo save some part for safe travel on the road which will finally lead to honorable achievement. For he who saves, prepares for opportunity. I'm not a preacher neither am i a reformer because, there are other who are well known on this field of my explanation. But, this is a course of philosophy whose purpose is to mark a safe road over one may travel to honorable achievement.
Kingsley Ifeanyi is my name.
catch you up on; www.importbizreport.com
BYE for now!!
will you be able to tell me the fatal enemy of the law of habit; i guess you should have known that by now, but anyway, as we all might claim to know, it is DEBT.
Debt is a merciless master, a fatal enemy of the savings habit. though poverty alone can easily kill ambitions, destroy self confidence but added with debt and all who fall victim of these two destructive masters will have hard time surviving. No man perform on his efficiency or expresses himself with heavy debt hipped on his head. Just as a slave bound by ignorance or heavy chain so is a man heavy in debt.
How much one can save depends on some conditions, some of which may be within the person's control or beyond his control. but no matter what, one have to save.
on a general terms, a man who works for a salary should apportion his income about as follows:
Savings account: --------------------------20%
Living____clothes, food and shelter---------50%
Life insurance------------------------------10%
= 100%
For any kobo save some part for safe travel on the road which will finally lead to honorable achievement. For he who saves, prepares for opportunity. I'm not a preacher neither am i a reformer because, there are other who are well known on this field of my explanation. But, this is a course of philosophy whose purpose is to mark a safe road over one may travel to honorable achievement.
Kingsley Ifeanyi is my name.
catch you up on; www.importbizreport.com
BYE for now!!